Dspyt: Public goods

Nurturing Digital Public Goods: Gitcoin Grants and Quadratic Funding

blockchain community content gitcoin grants ethereum public goods OSS qf digital innovation quadratic Funding

Nurturing Digital Public Goods: Gitcoin Grants and Quadratic Funding

Explore how Gitcoin Grants and Quadratic Funding transform digital public goods. Discover how Gitcoin empowers communities to collaboratively fund and build.

Dmitrii Fedotovdspyt.com profile picture Dmitrii Fedotov

Dmitrii Fedotov

The Optimism Ecosystem and RetroPGF: Nurturing Innovation and Impact

optimism optimism governance dao Ethereum governance governance forum OP blockchain community retropgf retropgf3 public goods innovation transparency

The Optimism Ecosystem and RetroPGF: Nurturing Innovation and Impact

The Optimism Collective RetroPGF program rewards impactful contributions within its thriving ecosystem, fostering innovation and diverse community involvement.

dspytdaodspyt.com profile picture dspytdao
