Dspyt: Decentralized applications

ETH Belgrade 2024: ZKPs on Mina, zkPassport and SoulBound NFTs

Decentralized zkOracles Ethereum Mina blockchain ZKPs NFTs node operators wallet DeFi Privacy security Mina Protocol Mini-Blockchain Blockchain Technology Zero Knowledge Proofs Scalability zkPassport Lightweight Blockchain Decentralized Applications Privacy-Centric Infrastructure Blockchain Development Mina Community Blockchain Innovation ETH event ETH Belgrade 2024

ETH Belgrade 2024: ZKPs on Mina, zkPassport and SoulBound NFTs

The Mina Protocol incorporates innovative features such as non-transferable soulbound tokens, zero-knowledge proofs, zkOracles, VRFs, and off-chain data handling to address key challenges in Web3, enhance scalability, bolster identity systems, and enable more powerful and private zkApps.

Pavel Fedotovdspyt.com profile picture Pavel Fedotov

Pavel Fedotov

Elevating Data Science Competence: Time Series Analysis

data science machine learning time series forecasting neural networks advanced analytics deep learning decentralized applications Python Keras LSTM

Elevating Data Science Competence: Time Series Analysis

Exploring data science topics, from decentralized apps to time series forecasting, leveraging diverse resources for skill enhancement.

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