gitcoin DAO gitcoin governance Gitcoin Beta Round grant funding python blockchain data AI qf pandas numpy matplotlib seaborn plotly statsmodels DataFrame
Gitcoin Beta Round Statistics: An In-Depth Analysis of Grant Funding Trends
We explore the data from Gitcoin Beta Round and gain insights into the grant funding process. We analyze grants in each round and its statistics.
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DspytAI Real-Time Portfolio Tracking & Price Prediction Tool
Unlock your trading potential with DspytAI - a real-time portfolio tracking & price prediction tool using ML & on-chain data. Try it now!
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Filecoin Storage Network Energy Consumption Data Challenge
We investigate Filecoin's storage network, renewable energy use, and USD / Filecoin correlation, plus a prediction algorithm for future Filecoin demand.
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How to Bypass CAPTCHA in Python: A Complete Guide Using 2Captcha
Captcha is a test to determine whether or not the user is human. 2Captcha is the best provider of automatic captcha solving software on the market now.
data science machine learning time series forecasting neural networks advanced analytics deep learning decentralized applications Python Keras LSTM
Elevating Data Science Competence: Time Series Analysis
Exploring data science topics, from decentralized apps to time series forecasting, leveraging diverse resources for skill enhancement.
Ethereum Security Data Analytics - DSPYT
We collect and analyze the Ethereum blockchain data with Python and Dune Analytics, particularly focusing on Lazarus Group.
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How to Panel data python – An easy introduction
We are introducing the concept of a panel data and illustrate the example of panel data with python on the WHO births data set.
Python finance log return NumPy econometrics log returns log return formula log returns formula pandas log returns simple returns statistics Realized Variance pct_change .pct_change() pandas pct_change
How to illustrate log returns vs simple returns
In this blog post we are introducing the concepts of log returns vs simple returns, realized volatility and realized variance.
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Simple and easy heroku telegram bot in Python
We create a heroku python telegram bot from scratch. We utilize python telebot library and host the project on Heroku.