Data Science and Blockchain Blog

How to Panel data python – An easy introduction

panel data Python econometrics data pooled data WHO regression pandas matplotlib

How to Panel data python – An easy introduction

We are introducing the concept of a panel data and illustrate the example of panel data with python on the WHO births data set. profile picture dspytdao


How to illustrate log returns vs simple returns

Python finance log return NumPy econometrics log returns statistics Realized Variance

How to illustrate log returns vs simple returns

In this blog post we are introducing the concepts of log returns vs simple returns, realized volatility and realized variance. profile picture dspytdao


Simple and easy heroku telegram bot in Python

Python telegram bot heroku api github telebot pip API virtualenv BotFather

Simple and easy heroku telegram bot in Python

We create a heroku python telegram bot from scratch. We utilize python telebot library and host the project on Heroku. profile picture dspytdao


How to python check proxy with aiohttp

proxy Python aiohttp proxy server data Bright Data data http proxy scraper

How to python check proxy with aiohttp

A proxy server is a remote server through which you connect to obfuscate your initial address. The proxy overlays your authentic IP address. profile picture dspytdao


How to Python jail escape (Newbie CTF 2019)

Python ctf ethical hacking security Newbie CTF Newbie CTF 2019 pyjail bash data built-in methods getattr

How to Python jail escape (Newbie CTF 2019)

Python jail escape: a challenge with one of the lowest points in the Newbie CTF 2019 which we solve in this article. We use built-in methods. profile picture dspytdao


A How to efficientnet Keras Classification

image classification keras Python efficientnet data computer vision tensorflow data science

A How to efficientnet Keras Classification

We discuss Convolutional Neural Networks, data augmentation, efficientnet classification and how to achieve 100% accuracy. profile picture dspytdao


Simple QR code generator on AWS with Flask

Python flask AWS QR code Casper blockchain PIL IO base64 github Elasticbean encoding http BytesIO web app github pipeline

Simple QR code generator on AWS with Flask

Web application in Flask python to generate qr code for Casper network. We host the application at on AWS Elasticbean with GitHub pipeline. profile picture dspytdao


Simple Blockchain data indexing with TrueBlocks

TrueBlocks Indexer data IPFS GitCoin Ethereum database timestamp blockchain

Simple Blockchain data indexing with TrueBlocks

In this article we discuss Blockchain data indexing. Blockchain is a type of a shared database that differs from a typical database. profile picture dspytdao


How to implement Realized Volatility python

Python finance realized volatility Pandas NumPy SciPy quarticity estimators

How to implement Realized Volatility python

Volatility estimators are especially valuable in modelling financial returns and capturing time-variability of financial series. profile picture dspytdao
