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Exploring Ethereum: Developing an Open Source Contract Explorer
This week I had a call with Jordan Ellis from Polywrap who provided me with valuable insight into contract explorers in the open-source ecosystem.
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Exploring and Refactoring Contraktor - Ethereum Explorer
Refactored an archived open source Ethereum explorer called Contraktor, connecting Rainbowkit, Wagmi and Ethers to the explorer.
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Exploring Ethereum Contracts and Their Associated Data
This week we began to work on Ethereum Smart Contract Explorer, a comprehensive tool for exploring Ethereum contracts and their associated data.
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What are Stablecoins and How Do They Impact Decentralized Finance
Stablecoins are designed to remain consistent and are becoming increasingly popular in the DeFi market due to their ability to maintain a steady value.
Ethereum explorer etherscan data blockhain ethplorer interface smart contracts blockscout Bitquery javascript typescript blockchain indexer
Exploring Ethereum Network with Etherscan and BlockScout
Powerful tools for exploring Ethereum networks and their associated contracts provide users with an easy-to-use interface for searching and exploring contracts.
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How ERC-4626 is Fueling the Next Wave of DeFi
ERC-4626 has revolutionized DeFi, giving users improved security and confidence to use protocols and apps. This has enabled users to take advantage of DeFi.
SMIL animations XML Declarative Scalable Language speed height Multimedia
Creating Scalable and Responsive Animations with SMIL
SMIL is a powerful, scalable, and responsive language for creating animations, making it easy to make your animations look good on any device.
blockchain XDC XRC XRC swap DeFi finance AMM finance ERC-20 ERC20 XRC20 liquidity CEX dex decentralized
XRC Swap: Unlocking Liquidity with an Automated Market Maker
XRC-Swap is a decentralized protocol for automated token exchange on XDC, providing trustless, permissionless access to liquidity.