Zero-Knowledge Proofs ZkBlindNextJs Anonymity Authentication Ethereum ETH Address Validation Smart Contract Node.js npm Next.js NextJs Vercel Encryption Privacy Security Identity Blockchain Web3 zkBlind
Leveraging Zero-Knowledge Proofs with ZkBlind in NextJs
ZkBlind NextJs utilizes Zero-Knowledge Proofs to offer secure and anonymous authentication for individuals without compromising their real identity.
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Final touches NextJS Explorer: deploying on vercel
The Ethereum Contract Explorer, is a comprehensive tool that simplifies the process of exploring Ethereum contracts.
Ethereum smart contracts explorer blockscout nextjs etherscan vercel Dune Dashboard blockchain indexer
Enhancing NextJS Explorer: Dashboard UI Improvements
NextJS Explorer has enhanced the homepage. We added a logo, dune dashboard to track real time ethereum transactions costs for different actions.
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Enhancing User Experience: NextJs Explorer UI Improvements
Our platform has enhanced the user experience. New colours and buttons, restructured layout, and a feature to view transaction details.
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Exploring Ethereum: Developing an Open Source Contract Explorer
This week I had a call with Jordan Ellis from Polywrap who provided me with valuable insight into contract explorers in the open-source ecosystem.
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Exploring Ethereum Contracts and Their Associated Data
This week we began to work on Ethereum Smart Contract Explorer, a comprehensive tool for exploring Ethereum contracts and their associated data.
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Simple App with Ceramic Data Model and Unstoppable Domains - DSPYT
Ceramic allows users to have complete ownership over their data by providing decentralized technologies for authentication and data storage.