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How to Python jail escape (Newbie CTF 2019)
Python jail escape: a challenge with one of the lowest points in the Newbie CTF 2019 which we solve in this article. We use built-in methods.
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A How to efficientnet Keras Classification
We discuss Convolutional Neural Networks, data augmentation, efficientnet classification and how to achieve 100% accuracy.
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Simple QR code generator on AWS with Flask
Web application in Flask python to generate qr code for Casper network. We host the application at on AWS Elasticbean with GitHub pipeline.
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Simple Blockchain data indexing with TrueBlocks
In this article we discuss Blockchain data indexing. Blockchain is a type of a shared database that differs from a typical database.
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How to implement Realized Volatility python
Volatility estimators are especially valuable in modelling financial returns and capturing time-variability of financial series.
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Simple App with Ceramic Data Model and Unstoppable Domains - DSPYT
Ceramic allows users to have complete ownership over their data by providing decentralized technologies for authentication and data storage.
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Aurora — EVM on the NEAR Protocol blockchain
Aurora delivers Ethereum-compatible, high-throughput, scalable and future-safe platform, with low transaction costs.
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Cross-sectional data – An easy introduction
In this article we are introducing the concept of cross sectional data. A cross sectional data example consists of a sample of units at a given point in time.
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Kaggle time series data – An easy introduction
A time series is a collection of observations on at least one variable ordered along single dimension, time. Time series forecasting is invaluable method.